Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Gratitude - The Kindness of Strangers

Today I took a tumble at the bus station (I bus to work each morning).  I don't know it happened, I just know that somehow I went from running for the bus, to being air born, and then landed on my left side.

I landed and immediately I was surrounded by legs, which belonged to people who were concerned with my welfare!  There were many, "Are you OK?" questions, to which I was able to say yes, I was OK, I was just trying to get the bus.  I was very embarrassed and not a little angry with myself for falling in public like that, but I was able to remember to thank people for helping me.

Someone asked me which bus I was trying to catch, and when I told them it was the #11, they looked out the doors, and one of them ran to stop the bus, which was going to leave any second.

I shuffled painfully out the door (most likely very red-faced), and someone was up at the bus, asking the driver to wait for me.  I finally got there, and the driver asked me if I was OK.  I said yes, thanks.

I'd started out having a bad-ish day (left my home later than usual, so wasn't able to stop for a tea and bagel, then falling), but I ended up very thankful for the kindness of strangers.


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