Thursday, 31 December 2015

Gratitude - Random Act of Kindness

I was at the grocery store tonight, expecting it to be crazy packed, but it wasn't (gratitude for that too!) to pick up a few things, and to get some money for the farmer's market on Saturday.

Unfortunately, I suppose because it was close to closing, the cashier handed me a $50 bill, which is way too big to bring to the farmer's market (I would feel so bad for asking them to accept it for 50 cents in green onions or something!).  I asked if she didn't have anything smaller, and she said she couldn't even give me twenties, because she was so low.

I was trying to figure out how this was going to work, when the lady behind me said, "I can give you change!" and proceeded to do so!  Very thankful for that random act of kindness!

I'm going to keep an eye out this weekend for an opportunity to pay it forward. :)

So...what random act of kindness can you do today?

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