Thursday, 31 December 2015

Gratitude - Random Act of Kindness

I was at the grocery store tonight, expecting it to be crazy packed, but it wasn't (gratitude for that too!) to pick up a few things, and to get some money for the farmer's market on Saturday.

Unfortunately, I suppose because it was close to closing, the cashier handed me a $50 bill, which is way too big to bring to the farmer's market (I would feel so bad for asking them to accept it for 50 cents in green onions or something!).  I asked if she didn't have anything smaller, and she said she couldn't even give me twenties, because she was so low.

I was trying to figure out how this was going to work, when the lady behind me said, "I can give you change!" and proceeded to do so!  Very thankful for that random act of kindness!

I'm going to keep an eye out this weekend for an opportunity to pay it forward. :)

So...what random act of kindness can you do today?

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Joy Wonder and Gratitude - Helicopter Rides

Joy Wonder and Gratitude - Being in the right place at the right time, to go on my very first helicopter ride with Women in Aviation.  Very cool, and surprisingly smooth!

Gratitude - Healthy Yummy Food!

I came across this channel on YouTube today.  It's called Sweet Potato Soul:

I'm not a vegan, but I love finding recipes to help me to eat more fruit and veggies.  Plant-based vegan recipes are often a great source!  This channel so far has a lot of yummo recipes, including the breakfast recipes in this link.  Healthy and delicious breakfast recipes make me grateful!!!

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Wonder - Beautiful Ice Storm

Wonder - The whole world covered in a thick layer of ice, and made more beautiful by it.

Wonder - Beautiful Walks

Wonder - Christmas Day was sunny and warm.  A walk with my Aunt was too good to pass up!

Gratitude - Christmas With Family

I don't have a lot of family, but what I do have I'm very grateful for.  This was a beautiful Christmas Day breakfast, complete with fresh fruit and cheese, creamy avocados, cinnamon raisin toast and hot buttery croissants. :)

Friday, 25 December 2015

Joy - Tears Are Not Enough

Joy - This wonderful song, which has always been my favourite of the 3 "Do They Know It's Christmas/We Are the World/Tears Are Not Enough" videos from 1985, which were written and performed to aid people starving in Ethiopia.

It's also a joy to hear and see it again, plus the 80s fashions.  And Cory Hart.  Let's not forget Cory Hart!

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Joy - Snaughling

Gratitude - Big Red Squishy Booth

I went for lunch with my sister today, and the place we went, we were seated in a big red squishy cushioned booth that was meant for 6 people.  It was so big and so comfy that I commented on how we could lie down for a snooze, at the exact same time as my sister said it.  So of course I had to prove it and lie down and test it out!

Wonder - Finding Beauty in Unexpected Places

Wonder - An unexpectedly pretty public washroom!

Wonder and Joy AND Gratitude - Sean Hayes

OMG.  Dying.  On the floor.  Dead.  Wonderful!

Not so grateful for the earworm when I'm going to bed though...

Jinglebellsjinglebells jin gle bells!   Jinglebellsjinglebells jin gle bells!

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Wonder and Joy - An Innis Aigh

Seinn an duan seo dhan Innis Àigh Sing this song to the Happy Isle
An innis uaine as gile tràigh The green isle of whitest sands
Bidh sian air uairean a' bagairt cruaidh ris Though storms at times threaten severely
Ach se mo luaidh-sa bhith ann a' tàmh It is where I love to be

Càit' as tràith an tig samhradh caomh Where does summer come earlier?
Càit' as tràith an tig blàth air craobh Where do trees come into bloom sooner?
Càit' as bòidhche 's an seinn an smeòrach Where does the thrush sing more sweetly
Air bhàrr nan ògan 's an Innis Àigh On the tips of branches, than in the Happy Isle?

An t-iasg as fiachaile dlùth don tràigh The most prized fish closest to land
Is ann ma chrìochan is miann leis tàmh Wishes to live about its shores
Bidh gillean easgaidh le dorgh is lìontan Lively youths hunt it early in the morning
Moch, moch ga iarriadh mun Innis Àigh With line and net, around the Happy Isle

'S ged thèid mi cuairt chun an taoibh ud thall And although I sometimes go to the mainland
'S mi 'n dùil air uairibh gu fan mi ann And at times even think that I could stay there
Tha tàladh uaigneach le teas nach fuairich A sad longing whose heat never cools
Gam tharraing buan don Innis Àigh Always draws me back to the Happy Isle

O 's geàrr an ùine gu'n teirig latha It is only a short time until the close of day
Thig an oidhche 's gun iarr mi tàmh Night will come and I will want for rest
Mo chadal buan-sa bidh e cho suaimhneach My eternal sleep will be so peaceful
Mo bhios mo chluasag 's an Innis Àigh If I lay my head in the Happy Isle

Wonder - Celtic Christmas Carol

How wonderful.  Spine-tinglingly wonderful!

Gratitude - A Great Cup of Tea

Gratitude - Having a great cup of tea at a local spot, with my sister.

Joy - Horse Friends

Joy - Having the opportunity to make friends, without wanting anything from them.  This horse and I made friends (and have stayed friends), without ever having the intention of riding him.  True friendship with no expectations. :)

Joy and Gratitude - Angel Pickles

Joy and Gratitude for these home-made bread and butter angel pickles from a friend!

Wonder - Beautiful Winter Solstice Music